Monday, December 2, 2013

Selfish Gene Cafe

I've heard rave reviews of Selfish Gene Cafe as I scoured through reviews of that cafe (especially through ladyironchef's blog) which really enticed me to visit the cafe. Therefore, I've decided to meet my friends there in the hopes of having a hearty meal after not seeing them for 6 months or so.

We walked from Outram Park MRT Station to the cafe and it took us less than 10 minutes. You have to walk by this walkway from Outram Park Exit G to the cafe.

After 10 minutes... We have reached the cafe!

Upon entering around 3pm, we realised that the cafe was half packed with diners. 

Service was good and we were served in less than 10 minutes, with patient waitresses who always have smiles on their faces whenever we need them. We were extremely pleased with their service because there's actually no service charge and such great service came at a bonus! This made the atmosphere very warm and relaxed as the diners could chit-chat peacefully. The polite waitresses hardly disturbed us while we were eating and chit-chatting.

John, being cheerful as usual

Weixian and I waiting for the food.

YES! After 7 hours without food for me and perhaps 12 hours for Weixian, our glorious food have arrived.

The Valerie ($12); Weixian's. The white stuff is cream cheese and not mayonnaise.

Scrambled eggs on brioche ($11); Mine. Scrambled eggs and the bread at the bottom, no additions to it.

In my opinion, the scrambled eggs were tasty on first few bites, but as the creaminess gets to you if you munch on it too quickly, you may get sick of the taste. Therefore, savour it slowly, between sips of plain water. The bread was fine, it was decent. The vegetables were fine, not the freshest of all but was a good mix balance between eggs and bread. The dressing was great.

Smoked Salmon Sandwich($13); John's. 

I found the Smoked Salmon Sandwich a little overpriced because the salmon and bread tasted ordinary.

The portions served was insufficient to satiate our tummies, especially Weixian's appetite for the scrambled eggs haha.

Weixian's special scrambled eggs($4.50) - not in the menu 

Mine and John's(each $6). The banana peanut butter cake was mine, while the chocolate cake was John's.

For me, the banana cake is rather worth a try as it is different from your ordinary banana cake. The banana cake was rather well done because the inside was warm and moist. The peanut butter coating on top made it a little drier. 
The chocolate cake is not really worth the try because it was dry and did not have the moistness promised in the menu.

After our meals and having the usual catch-up sessions(although conversations were punctuated by technological gadgets, hmpf), we went around the area to "rac-key".
Being girls, Weixian and I took many pictures, posing like models near the shophouses haha.

After taking the pictures, we realised this was a hotel omg.

 We found this picture taken best :)

John joined in the fun with Weixian!

It was a fun day in all and sadly, we had to part around 6pm as both Weixian and John had something on.
Anyway, this was my first time "rackeying" Outram Park area, hope I can come again to try out other cafes around this vicinity!

Ending off with a group picture, loves!

Selfish Gene Cafe
40 Craig Road
Singapore 089678
Contact Number: 6423 1324
10.00am to 6.00pm
Closed on Tuesdays


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