Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pizza Hut Gathering with Ladyironchef

When Sherrine told me that she was one of the 25 lucky winners of Ladyironchef's Pizza Hut Gathering, I was so happy for her! What more when she wanted to bring me along as well (squeals in delight) :D As an avid follower of Ladyironchef's blog, I was very excited and immediately agreed to it!

During the lead-up to the gathering, both of us were asking each other about the dress code and if it would be appropriate to wear shorts/sneakers etc.

Luckily, the gathering was a rather informal and close-knit one and unlike what I've thought of. I thought everyone would be distant and dressed up well. Instead, everyone was having so much fun at the event and thankfully the atmosphere was also lightened up by the friendly and warm Brad! By the way, he looks better in real life I must say heehee. I felt very comfortable as the people around me are casual and laughing heartily over the food. I was also glad to see almost everyone taking pictures of their food (only me doing it everytime, so embarrassing :p).

Time for the Food Pictures!

By the way, these portions were to be shared among 4 people. Really thankful for the other 2 people at our seat who didn't mind taking pictures of the food etc hehe ;)

Not forgetting Brad, who was a very warm host that night, going from table to table to talk to us personally. He made the effort to know us by our names and talking to us like a friend, which was very heartwarming. Furthermore, he did not have any airs even though he was a famous blogger (very nice and unpretentious!). Because of that, Sherrine even said that she will like him even more!! 

Me and Sherrine with Brad ^^

Sherrine was really lucky during the event because guess what? She won a chance to make the pizza and bring it home!
In this picture, Brad was like, "Add more cheese! We don't get to do this everyday right?" HAHAHA

Eating it raw? Looks like a good idea.

Pictures were taken of Sherrine, Brad and the other lucky winner!

All don for Pizza making! 
Chef and I! Hahaha

Before we left, we took another picture with Brad, this time with the pretty girlfriend Melody! The pictures really dont flatter Melody, she looks much prettier in real life :) 

She's so cute and friendly!

Before we left, we sure didn't forget to take a picture with the two friendly hosts- Brad and Melody, and with the Christmas banner which was instagram-worthy.

So nice of the organisers because they provided us goodie bags as well!

Pictures of Sherrine and I haha :D

 Christmas Tree at City Square Mall- acting Christmasy

I have to rush off to Vivo now, so ending off with this picture!

This was especially for photo-taking


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