Thursday, December 19, 2013

Bangkok Bound

Hey :) this post is gonna be about my bangkok trip and my ABSOLUTELY INSANE SHOPPING TRIP. On a side note, so many people are going to bangkok now even though of the riots and stuff. However on my trip there, so happens that there was a pause in the occurrence of resistance and riots so it was pretty safe thankfully :)

Ok back to shopping. This trip is mainly about shopping and i bought around like 56 items. HAHAHAH within 4 days. Okay thats not really a lot, but daddy kept complaining about having excess baggage. We travelled on jetstar so there was a baggage weight limit -100kg . Our baggage totalled up to 99.7kg HHAHAHA that kinda shut daddy up. Hehehehe :)

Anyway we went chatuchak market on the first and second day. Its insanely hot and humid there and the some shop owners there mark up the price of items a whole lot, so its advisable to walk around to know the gist of the ranges of prices of the items before settling with a price when bargaining. I bought a high waist denim shorts for $4sgd there. INSANE OR WHAT. They were selling hipster denim shorts for $2sgd too but i didnt buy them Hahah.OKIE HERE ARE THE PICTURES

The food there was awesome too. THE PADTHAI AND GREEN CURRY AND TOMYUM. Heavenly omgosh. Moreover the food there is really cheap like less than a dollar sgd unless you go to like some attas restaurant, then its different hahahah.

HAHAH anyway heres a picture korkor took of me at the skytrain station that he was pretty proud of and kept pestering me to post on instagram hahahaha

Okie im gonna end this post with selfies with my family :)

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