Saturday, November 30, 2013

Loots of the day!

So, through Singapore Promotions, I got to know of the Expo Sale for Sportswear (it's a really good website to be updated with the latest and most useful discounts available!).
Click on this link for their Facebook site.

I'm actually rather into running to keep fit and therefore I woke up at 8am on Saturday....... just to head over to Expo to go in as early as possible into the Hall. Normally I do not wake up so early on weekends unless I'm preparing to go jogging!

Upon reaching the Hall, I was a little disappointed because I expected Adidas and Nike to be there too to snag some really awesome deals. Hmm, maybe I was too naive. There were a few pieces of these two brands although they were sports shoes that were normally found in malls when they have their offers.

Nevertheless, I was still pleased by my buys (see bottom).

After buying my stuff at Expo I rushed to Bishan, whereby I was so excited for the warehouse sale for Klarra!!!! IT WAS A LONG WALK FOR ME FROM BISHAN TO THE WAREHOUSE (also because of the glaring sun around noontime and how I almost got lost).

The Warehouse Sale lived up to its name because the items were priced from $10-$20, which was $15-$20 lesser than what you see on their blog.

Taking a picture with the christmas tree by Klarra, many thanks to Klarra for organising this sale!

On the left from Klarra; On the right from Expo

Initially I wanted to wait till CNY to wear them, but they are all so pretty that I shall not wait till CNY. Can't wait to wear them!


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